Munyori webato reMapty Li Mingzheng anoshanyira yedu yuniti kutungamira basa

Musi waFebruary 27, Li Mingzheng, Secretary weCommittee yemabiko, akatungamira Sayenzi raSainzi uye neindasitiri, tekisimere, uye mutemo wemitemo Bureau kuti uongorore uye utungamirire basa racho mune yedu kambani.

Li Mingzheng and his party went deep into the workshop for field inspection, conducted in -depth exchanges with the chairman and general manager of Huabao Weiwei Materials, listened to the relevant situation reports, learned about the production and operation of enterprises, technology research and development , uye kuwedzera kwemusika. Mukupindura kutarisirwa kwekukurumidzira kwebhizinesi, uye kupikisa nhungamiro pamusoro pekusimudzira kwakanyanya-kukwira kwebhizinesi.



Li Mingzheng requested that all relevant departments should take the initiative to on -site services, strengthen communication with enterprises, accurately connect with the needs of enterprises, strengthen policy support and industrial support, spare no effort to optimize the business environment, and effectively solve the matambudziko nematambudziko akasangana mukuvandudzwa kwebhizinesi. Gadzira yakanaka nzvimbo yekuvandudza nharaunda yemabhizinesi. Enterprise inofanirwa kutora mikana yemitemo, ramba uchiwedzera mari muR & D, uye kugadzirisa zvigadzirwa zvemhando yepamusoro uye technical level; Kuti utore mikana yemusika, kuvandudza chigadzirwa hunhu, kuwedzera nzira yemusika, uye edza kuzadzisa kukurumidza kukura kweBhizinesi; Develop confidence, increase scientific and technological innovation, focus on the main business extension chain replenishment chain, promote industrial cluster agglomeration and development, further become large markets, create characteristic brands, form brand effects, and make greater contributions to the high -quality development of hupfumi uye nzanga.

Kutumira Nguva: Kukadzi-28-2024